January 15, 2020 – Click here to listen
This morning I’m making my way to the Bahamas. The wahoo bite is supposed to be red hot and tasty yellow eye snapper abound. Three of us will cross the gulf stream and hopefully reach our destination by 9:00 a.m.
One of my buddies is an atheist and the other, like me, is a follower of Christ. We will pray before we cross and before meals and try to influence him as we can. I have fished with this man for two years and so far, he is as resistant to the gospel as anyone I ever met.
My other friend spent the night with us last night and the discussion turned to what if our boat sank and we all died today. I am not afraid to die and actually am ready at all times. My wife and I differ on the subject whereas I actually look forward to getting my purpose fulfilled, trading this old body for a new one that is glorified and shiny new, and then joining Jesus for eternity; she knows beyond question she will enter heaven, but she wants to live a healthy life on earth as long as possible. I do not want to abandon my God in fulfilling His purpose nor my family and friends, but if the Lord calls don’t shed tears, I’m ready.
The subject came up concerning my atheist friend and I stated that nothing is sadder than someone who does not follow Jesus dying without Him and being separated from God forever. The Bible unequivocally states that not everyone will go to heaven and there is a hell and it is reserved for those who reject the Son of God and His sacrifice on our behalf. No person in the Bible talked more about hell than Jesus. His description makes one shudder when he talks of weeping, gnashing of teeth, fire and brimstone and abject loneliness, trapped in total darkness forever. He loves very single one of us and did His utmost to ensure that we are warned about that horrific place.
The world has many distractions, some fun and some painful. Please don’t allow yourself to be consumed by them and put off the most important decision of your life, to accept Christ as your personal Savior and follow Him. This will affect you for eternity and nothing on this earth is more important than that. Lot’s wife loved her friends and the good times of Sodom so much that she turned to look back on it in disobedience. She immediately turned to a block of salt. The lesson is that we should long to be with the Lord and not for the lusts of this fallen world. We are visitors here and not permanent residents, our homeland is heaven and our ruler is God almighty Himself. Enjoy what you can while visiting here but be ready for the call and don’t be afraid – It will be glorious, and we only have to endure it once! But for today I’m Bahama bound. I trust that the Lord is not through with me yet; however, if so, I’m always looking forward to being heaven bound.
Rev. 21:4
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”