January 6, 2020 – Click here to listen
I was initially flabbergasted that there are so many people who put politics over the defense of our country, especially when we were able to take out a ruthless murderer with American blood on his slimy hands. After some thought I realize that those in politics are even worse than ambulance chasing trial lawyers, they aren’t concerned about anything but themselves.
I have a friend who wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. He actually told me that he didn’t agree with Obama on much of anything but he was just doing the best he knew how.
Wat? This man did more to harm our country from reducing our defense to a shambles, destroying our health care system, instituting same-sex marriage in a nation for the first time in the history of the world, ruining our economy, declaring we are no longer a Christian nation, humiliating us by telling the Syrians that the use of chemical weapons was a red line and then when they did use them ignored it, giving Iran pallets containing billions in tax payer dollars that is still being used to kill our troops and others in terroristic attacks throughout the world, Signing us up for the Paris climate legislation whereby the United States would pay for it while offending countries like China who do the harm get a free pass and on and on.
Now comes the 2nd string black militant quarterback Kaepernick saying that our country only attacks black or brown skinned nations because we are racist. I suppose Nike will give him another $100 million or so for that remark.
As expected all the Hollywood misfits are ripping the President for killing the most evil terrorist on the planet, Soleimani. Nancy Pelosi, and the presidential contenders, the media, and the entire regimen of Trump bashing nutcases have got their propaganda machines in overtime mode. If Trump gave everyone $1000 bucks, they would attack him for that. It’s like gravity. You just know it is going to happen even if we cannot understand it.
How do these wokes get by supporting Mideast countries that kill and torture any homosexuals they can find, treat women like cattle with no rights, not allowing girls to attend school, and make them wear head to toe burkas, and insist that if anyone doesn’t follow their Sharia laws that they should be tortured and killed. And these progressives call themselves “Woke.”
What a world we live in – Give me a break! Iran puts an $80 million dollar bounty on President Trump’s head and an actor who lives here in the USA George Lopez states he will do it for half that amount.
How can one give some of these people the “benefit of the doubt?” My friend is trying to be fair to people who want the government to run everything and I assume be woke himself. Makes me want to barf. I pray that none of these kooks get elected, but enough wokes I suppose can elect enough toxic leaders to ensure our society is degenerate. Only voters can restrain them. Vote!
Job 30:13
They tear up my path; they profit from my destruction, with no one to restrain them.