December 2, 2019 – Click here to listen
Some of us could take a lesson from the little squirrel pictured below. He took some time off from work to smell the daisies. Judging from its expression this obviously meant a great deal to it. The little critter had to stand on its hind legs to reach the best area to smell the fragrance. It shut its eyes and put its ears back and when the fragrance reached his nostrils one can see its total delight.
Our world moves far too fast for most of us to enjoy God’s creation. And what a creation we are missing. Yesterday after my son and his family departed my wife and I went for a boat ride up a river located in a state park not far from my house. We rode literally for miles up the river to its headwaters and did not see the first house or condo or sign of civilization. The scenic route was filled with mangrove trees on both sides. We encountered eagles, turtles, and other wildlife as we rode with mullet jumping in front of us and nearly landing in the boat.
As I scanned the headlines this morning it is the same old junk. People filling stores and fighting for black Friday deals, Trump bashers trying to be noticed, stabbing in London by a Muslim fanatic, celebrities getting stoned and sleeping around., China threatening us, blah blah blah . . .
Today I’m heading to my farm to go deer hunting with a couple of friends. None of the aforementioned worrisome news will affect me at all or even pass through my mind. I’ll spend some time in the woodlands and enjoy God’s creation. I don’t know if I’ll bag a trophy buck or not and don’t care. I will, however, watch the sunrise and walk through the misty mornings and enjoy God’s creation to the hilt and hopefully see one step out in all his majesty like the big fellow pictured below.
I urge you to take some time to smell the roses or daisies or maybe the orchids of God’s creation. God still sits on the throne and is in firm control and everything will unfold in due time according to His perfect plan.
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.