Must we move to Paraguay?













April 26, 2019 – Click here to listen

Even as the economy is soaring like an eagle, according to Gallup Polls more Americans were stressed, angry and worried last year than they have been at most points during the past decade. Asked about their feelings the previous day, the majority of Americans (55%) in 2018 said they had experienced stress during a lot of the day, nearly half (45%) said they felt worried a lot and more than one in five (22%) said they felt anger a lot.

According to a recent Gallup poll, younger Americans between the ages of 15 and 49 are among the most stressed, worried and angry in the U.S. Roughly two in three of those younger than 50 said they experienced stress a lot, about half said they felt worried a lot and at least one in four or more felt anger a lot.

Gallup did another poll called the Positive Experience Index which is a current snapshot of people’s positive and negative daily experiences and interestingly the tiny country of Paraguay has the highest Positive Experience Index score worldwide, a whopping 85%. Understandably Afghanistan’s Positive Experience Index score dropped to a record low of just 43%.

Paraguay is a landlocked nation about the size of California, sandwiched between southern Brazil and northern Argentina, with a population of 6.5 million. About 77 percent of its land is controlled by 1 percent of the nation’s landowners. More than 30 percent of the population lives in poverty, according to the central bank, and Paraguay ranks near the bottom among South American countries in reducing poverty over the last decade, according to the United Nations.

This study measured life’s intangibles, things like feelings and emotions. Check out some of these questions:

  • Did you feel well-rested yesterday?
  • Were you treated with respect all day yesterday?
  • Did you smile or laugh a lot yesterday?
  • Did you learn or do something interesting yesterday?
  • Did you experience enjoyment yesterday?

Did you experience the following feelings during a lot of the day yesterday?

  • Physical pain?
  • Worry?
  • Sadness?
  • Stress?
  • Anger?

I guess I had stereotyped Paraguay as just another Latin American country with a populace that had given up hope on their country, but I was wrong on that one. Obviously, money is not the reason for their happiness because a whopping 30% are trapped in poverty. I read a few articles about it and found that social life tends to revolve around the family. Godparents are particularly important; if parents become unable to provide for their children, godparents are expected to assume responsibility for them.

Aha! I believe this is the key. A strong family unit that values its children. During my many years of prison ministry I discovered that over 80% of inmates were raised in a family without a father or if they had a father living at home, he was usually an abusive monster. Say what you like about single parent homes, but kids need a loving family and in particular a father. Low morality, divorce at the drop of a pin, and changing societal norms including gender chaos are leading to the destruction of the family unit.

God did not design us to be like that. Marriage was defined in the Bible in no uncertain terms. It is the joining together of one man with one woman and they become one for life. Procreation between them is sacred and should not be defiled by aberrations of God’s laws. Maybe this sounds old-fashioned; well God’s laws don’t change with the whims, burning lusts, and desires of society. Maybe our Lord is old-fashioned by todays elitist’s standards, but nonetheless His laws will stand forever.

Think about Paraguay’s commitment to take care of their children. God and family – What a lovely picture. God is our Father – Jesus was His Son – We are His children and we love each other. No need to worry or be stressed when you follow Jesus. My brethren you are too blessed to be stressed!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Have a great weekend and go to church this Sunday!





