Fired and rehired













August 1 2018 – Click here to listen

I heard someone say the other day that life was just so “unfair”. This person is undergoing trials and tribulations and one bad thing has happened after another. Okay what’s new? Just cut me a break already. Every human being on this planet is now undergoing similar problems, soon will be, and/or already has experienced their own trials and tribulations ever since Eve disobeyed God and chomped down on that apple and found a worm in the middle. Instead of turning into a God as Satan had promised her, she, (along with Adam who disobeyed God too), were booted out of the paradise known as the Garden of Eden just as God had promised.

I’d like to ask this lady who determines fairness? I’ve fired numerous employees through the years and I can’t recall one who thought I was being fair. In fact, most thought I was the idiot and I should have been fired instead of them. I can say with good conscience that I’ve never fired anyone who did not richly deserve it. Those who fell, broke the rules, and when they did, as promised, I fired them.

God warned us that sin would separate us from Him and that among other things that we would die as a result. There was no such thing as death before God’s command not to eat of the Tree of Life . After Adam and Eve sinned, He told us that life would be a struggle and that we would work by the sweat of our brow in the thorns and the thistles.

Well guess what? God was true to His word.

One might say, “That is just so unfair?”

Hmmm . . . “God did pre-warn us not to sin or we would have bad consequences.”

It might be said, “Now wait just a darned minute, I didn’t chomp down on that apple! Why punish me for Adam and Eve’s misdeeds?”

“Oh really? So, you have never sinned?”

“Well maybe a white lie or two, but nothing major.”

Yeah right . . .Whatever . . . According to the Bible regardless of if you just committed one little “white lie” sin, or murdered someone, even one sin cannot be tolerated by our perfect and holy God. He is not some sleaze-ball politician or judge “on the take” who accepts a bribe or looks the other way with a wink and a nod and gives us a pass as He takes a notion. He is righteous and *all* sin must be severely punished, and He must turn away from it and not allow sin in His holy presence. Who would want God to be any other way than 100% righteous ALL of the time?

When God separated from us, His goodness went with Him. Did you know the Bible states that all goodness comes from Him?

I remember when I was a CEO I would not tolerate drugs in the workplace, fighting, disobeying direct orders, habitual tardiness, stealing, lying, etc. and would fire someone for it and separate those people who did those things from the good employees. I can understand why God would separate mankind from Himself because of sin a little easier when I look at it in this manner.

I will tell you what is unfair. It is not fair for Jesus Christ to have been crucified on the cross for crimes that He did not commit. It is unfair to Jesus Christ to have suffered on our behalf in order that you and I might be reconciled to God through His blood. He took our punishment for sins that WE committed and thus God’s requirement that ALL sin must be punished was fulfilled through His Son. Jesus was as innocent as a newborn lamb but became sin in order that we might live. That was unfair to Him.

We pay for our sins every day on this earth and will never fully be reconciled to God until He calls us home where sin does not exist. That is fair. All death, sickness, heartache, misery, loneliness, divorce, stealing, lying, jealousy, and every other bad thing is derived from sin as a consequence. Like the person who got fired, there is a consequence for disobeying the rules. The world’s trials and tribulations are the direct result of sin.

We got fired, but Jesus has found a way for us all to be rehired through His precious blood and suffering.

The next time you hear someone say that life is unfair think about Jesus being nailed on a cross in your stead.

Gen. 3:16

Cursed is the ground for your sake;
In toil you shall eat of it
All the days of your life.
Both thorns and thistles, it
shall bring forth for you.





