Dream on













June 26 2018 – Click here to listen

I was in Mexico City one time and had no idea how cold it gets there. It’s located at a higher altitude and at night it is freezing cold. I’d gone to a restaurant and after eating dinner was walking through a market and a little girl perhaps five years old came up to me and tugged on my pants leg. I looked down and was struck by her angelic beauty. She had large almond shaped brown eyes and was dressed in shabby clothes and her feet were wrapped in newspapers because she had no shoes. She looked up at me and held out her tiny hand for money and pointed to her little belly indicating she was hungry. She was alone on this dimly lit crowded street at approximately 10 p.m.

I was overwhelmed with compassion and gave her some money. I would love to have taken her home and adopted her, but all I could do is watch her walk down the street with her tiny newspaper wrapped feet clutching the money I gave her. I prayed she would be safe.

Although that incident happened decades ago, I remember it as though it occurred five minutes ago, and I’m still haunted with the memory of it. I often wonder what became of her.

I traveled to India one time to visit a facility that was doing software development for my company. My top programmer accompanied me, and we landed in Bombay, (Mumbai now), and had a full day layover there. We were greeted at the airport by a representative of the company we were using to develop software for us and decided to take a taxicab to grab a bite to eat and check into a hotel.

We came to one of the country’s few traffic lights and when we stopped a beggar came up with tin cup between his two hands and knocked on the window of the cab. I looked at him and immediately understood why he used two hands to hold the cup. Leprosy had eaten his fingers off and it was all over his face as well. It was a shocking sight, but what I remember the most was the haunting lost look in this man’s eyes. It was as though I could look deep within his soul and I was flooded with compassion for him. The light changed but I made the driver wait while I got my wallet out to give him some money.

I’m still haunted with the memory of it and I don’t like to think of his fate.

I was reading the disgusting news this morning about all the people who hate this country and how they are working so hard to destroy it. It is too bad that these malcontents who are so full of hate for everything about this great country, most of whom are wealthy beyond imagination, could not have seen what I saw, and maybe, just maybe understand just how fortunate they are to have been blessed to live in this land of opportunity and enjoy its blessings from God.

As I think about trying to help the less fortunate in other countries I believe the solution is to help them to develop their own countries from within. Like the welfare program, it is nonsensical to try to solve the problems by making people dependent and in need of constant care. Better to make them independent where they can care for themselves. i.e. Teach a person to fish and you won’t have to bring them a fish . . .

One of the communist manifesto’s main strategies is to get people dependent on the government so they can more easily be controlled. Politicians offer free food, housing, phones, and spending money for that purpose. Once people are dependent they will vote for whomever has vowed to keep the checks coming. Another of their priorities is to destroy religion. This is the fatal dose for any nation that pursues that dangerous notion.

God did not intend for us to live that way. Why do you suppose that God blessed the United States the way it has been blessed? We founded this country as one nation under God. The Bible was initially used as a guide by our leaders to help us develop this country. Power hungry corrupt evil individuals have eaten away at our founding principles like cancer but make no mistake that is what got us where we are.

If we are to help desperate people in other countries we must provide more than a hot meal, temporary housing, or a limited supply of money. I believe the key is to evangelize and disciple individuals and to teach God-ordained business principles. They can create jobs and prosper in their own lands just as the people in this country have done, provided they first honor God by being honest and hardworking. (Yes, the Bible tells us to work and if we refuse we should not eat!)

I suppose that is but a dream; however, dreams sometimes become reality especially when accompanied by prayer. So I will dream on . . . And pray on

2 Thess 3:6

Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you. It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate. For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat . . .





