Sometimes we just get to sit with someone













April 12 2018 – Click here to listen

One time a Latino friend sent me an e-mail and wrote the following:

“Amigo ~ Sometimes I get to Preach, yesterday I saw a young man sit by himself on the metal bleachers (our Spanish church meets in a gym) while his family sat on the chairs. I invited him to sit with me, but he replied, “I’m good”, so I just sat next to him. His Mom called me this morning thanking me for doing that. She said her son was impressed that someone cared about him. Sometimes we get to Preach, sometimes we just get to sit with someone. Either way is fine with me – All I want is for God to use me!”

I thought this was just beautiful. We never know how some small kindness will affect someone, especially those who are lonely and searching for more in their lives, but we should know that people are watching our actions and the good name of Christian is always at stake.

My amigo was used by God to encourage this young lad and perhaps in so doing he changed his entire perspective about the body of believers in God’s church. So many have shared with me that they gave up on church because the people there looked down on them in self-righteous hypocrisy instead of making them feel welcome. In fact, I experienced that many times before becoming a believer myself and I ended up hating religion and religious people. Perhaps that is why the harshest words that Jesus uttered were reserved for the most religious people of the day, the Pharisees, whose legalistic judgmental and condemning demands were impossible to follow. This type of behavior prevents many from coming to the Lord who otherwise would.

God is love, mercy, and compassion and those who claim to represent Him should understand grace and live it in order that anyone and everyone that we encounter would instantly recognize it. The key is to love one another.

The Bible is clear that we are to be the salt and light of this world. What a terrible witness it is to go through life hating, snarling, cussing, condemning, and fussing over every little thing. I despise it when I exhibit this behavior. Just look at the divisiveness in the world with racism, the “haves” and “have nots”, political polarization, and so forth. We should so let our light shine so that others would look at us and want what we have. Christ is not a hater.

Take time out today to do something nice for someone no matter how insignificant it might seem. God loves them just as much as he loves us even if they don’t look quite the same. Selah

Proverbs 4:18

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.





