If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything













August 16 2017 – Click here to listen

I am deeply concerned that the truth is becoming obsolete in this country. Without truth, there are no boundaries. Nowhere is it more evident to the average person than in the media. They call it “spin”, but, it is nothing but distortion of the truth or in plain words a lie. It is at a point where we cannot trust anything we read in the newspapers or see on television.

Politicians and political parties use spin and document them in what they call their “talking points.” They steadfastly stick with their party’s talking points, knowing all the while they are espousing big fat lies. How do they get away with it?

Non-thinking people simply believe anything that is said. The ruthless Russian dictator Lenin called the people that believed such lies “useful idiots.” The dictionary defines the term this way: (Originally) a citizen of a non-communist country sympathetic to communism who is regarded (by communists) as naive and susceptible to manipulation for propaganda or other purposes; (more widely) any person similarly manipulable for political purposes.

Unfortunately, it has spread to academia where nutty professors and teachers poison the minds of our youth to a point where truth doesn’t really matter anymore. Many students now believe that truth is in the eye of the beholder and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, regardless of whether there is one shred of truth in it. There is no right – There is no wrong . . .

Take for example the following video shot on a Washington University campus. The 5-foot nine-inch male interviewer asks absurd questions such as if he told someone he was a 6-foot five-inch Chinese woman, or he was 7 years old would they believe him? Would they say he was wrong? He did not cherry pick a bunch of wackos like Watters used to do on O’Reilly, but sampled many regular students. Their responses are astounding.


Why couldn’t they just respond, “Of course you aren’t 6 feet five inches tall and you are obviously Caucasian, not Chinese, and you are a man and not a woman?

Because they have been indoctrinated to think that there is no right or wrong; everything is relevant to opinion.

Useful idiots?

Elections are not won or lost by truth anymore, but by propaganda wars. I’m currently writing a book for a black man who was raised in abject poverty, severely abused as a child and put on the street by his dysfunctional family. He lacked education and stability and so on and it deeply and adversely affected him.

He became a criminal as so many disadvantaged black children do and ended up serving many years in prison. He was filled with hate, and while in prison converted to being a Muslim and hate filled black activist with Malcolm X as his mentor. He told me he hated all white people simply because they were white.

Eventually my friend found Christ and dropped his Muslim faith to become a born again Christian. He no longer is a hater and is now filled with love. He told me the other day that he wished that black people could see the truth and quit voting their skin color. He is literally risking his life in that community in trying to convince them not to vote with the Democrats who have done nothing to improve the lives of black people despite even having a black president for 8 years. The community has not responded well, the tires on his car have been slashed and his windshield broken for being an “Uncle Tom.”

What I love about God and the Bible is the truth within it. God’s laws do not change, though there is an anti-faith movement of epic proportions to try to change it and remove the parts that truthfully addresses the particular sins that some of them engage in. They will not succeed in their effort to destroy the truth of the Bible. The Bible states that it is the same today as it was 1000 years ago and will be 1000 years from now. It will stand forever.

I stand with the Bible – Proudly! – I don’t spin it, lie, distort or twist its message. God speaks plainly and anyone can understand. Without question Satan is trying to distort and deceive any useful idiot that he can. And as the Bible proclaims, many will be deceived and follow that wide road to hell.

In Words for the Day I have my detractors, and get my fair share of hate mail and threats, but like my black friend I intend to keep right on standing for God and His holy word right up until the moment He calls me home. In short, I stand for something and it is the truth of God! We all must decide whether we stand for nothing or something . . .

There is a spiritual war transpiring and the truth will determine the fate of our souls. Don’t be one of those who falls victim and is deceived by the lies of this world. Lies emanate right out of hell. The Bible is clear that Satan is the “father of all lies” and unfortunately many will fall prey to his persuasive distortions. There will come a day when the lies will stop and the truth of God and those who believe in Him are all that will remain.

Rev. 12:9

 . . . and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.





