Trump needs time down south













July 27 2017 – Click here to listen

I have supported Donald J. Trump since he first announced his candidacy. I like millions of others I’ve never liked his New York abrasive style of crudeness, his arrogance, or his big mouth; however, I felt the country needed someone who could get something done for a change and I knew Trump could get things done.

And for those of you who think he has not gotten anything done in the 6 months he has been in office, you are simply wrong. He got a new Supreme Court Justice who interprets the constitution as its written confirmed, illegal immigration slowed to a trickle, deadly MS 13 gangs and other criminal illegal immigrants rounded up and deported, billions of dollars of stupid regulations eliminated, increased military spending and readiness, reestablished respect for red lines in foreign policy, food stamps declined at a massive rate, over 800,000 new jobs created, stock market at an all-time high, consumer confidence substantially up, GDP growing – (finally), etc.

He has done it against incredible adversity with the creatures of the Washington D.C. swamp attacking him at every turn, Democrats slow-walking confirmation of his team appointments, media hell bent on spreading fake news and outright lies in an unprecedented attack intent upon destroying him and his family and on and on.

But now he is publicly attacking Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a brutal Twitter frenzy, humiliating him in front of 80 million Americans. Jeff Sessions is a good man and he has loyally defended the President at every turn. He is a man of integrity, and honor and has served our country well. It burns me up to see Trump railing about him on Twitter every day.

I read this morning where Mike Pence defended him as being the kind of guy that lets you know where you stand and he doesn’t do it behind your back. I was always like that, as any of my former employees would quickly verify, but I didn’t do it in public. I summoned them to my office and looked them square in the eye and proceeded to tell them in no uncertain terms why I was disappointed in them. No one wanted to be summoned to my office for one of those meetings I can assure you, but I did it in private.

So, I’m mad at Trump about this. As I fumed about this situation this morning I began to think of my kids. All three of them at one time or other have done something or other that I did not like. On the other hand, they did far more things I liked. So if they do 99 things I like, and 1 thing I dislike should I send them off to the wilderness? Should I disown them?

No, I would counsel them, forgive them, and move on. So I wrote Trump and told him to be a man. I advised him to call Sessions in and face to face chew him out, or fire him if he must, but don’t act like a coward and denigrate him in front of the entire country. Now some staffer will read this letter and it will never get to the President, so now I’m left to pray for him which I have also done this morning.

He needs to spend some time down south and learn some manners and civility. I remember when millions of Christians were praying that he would be elected. I wish millions of Christians would join me and pray that he could somehow learn to check his temper at the door and treat others with dignity and respect. I know many who are on his spiritual advisory team. I think he needs a closer walk with Jesus and that is what I’m praying for, but I for one haven’t given up. When I consider the Godless alternatives, I shudder. I will not abandon Trump over a flaw. If people abandoned me for my flaws, I would be all alone in the next half a second . . .

Eph. 4:32

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.





