Not in my backyard…NOT!













When I was a little kid at 8 years old I would walk to school and after school would walk downtown and sell newspapers on a corner. Late that evening I would walk home.

Today a child who engaged in such behavior might just get snatched off the streets and forced into human slavery for sex. It happens every day but few are aware. One of the biggest problems associated with getting something done about sexual deviants and human slavery for the purpose of child rape is that so many people mistakenly think that it is happening somewhere else. The attitude seems to be: “Thank God, I’m just happy this heinous crime is not taking place in in my community.”


It’s happening everywhere and is increasing at such a rapid pace that it’s scary.

One police commander said, “The only way not to find this problem in any community is to simply not to look for it.” Unfortunately, millions of Americans do not understand the depth and severity of this problem. They don’t understand what really happens to these kids every day. It is happening somewhere in this country right now as you read this.

Not convinced this could be happening in your area? Use this handy little tool to discover who is living in your neighborhood that has been arrested for child rape and other forms of sexual molestation of children and others.

The map has a legend that indicates sexual predator homes and their proximity to schools along with icons disclosing their offenses. This site uses actual court records and jail sentences to determine who is listed. You can click on an icon to learn who lives there.

Here is a screenshot of where I live:


According to the FBI, in 2016 there were 465,676 entries for missing children. Similarly, in 2015, the total number of missing children entries was 460,699. It is estimated 1 ½ million missing kids are being held in slavery at this very moment. Their lives are utter hell on earth.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) operates the CyberTipline, a national mechanism for the public and electronic service providers to report instances of suspected child sexual exploitation. There is a state by state list of missing children on their site if you care to see it.

In 2016, the CyberTipline received 8.2 million reports, most of which related to:

  • Apparent child sexual abuse images
  • Online enticement, including “sextortion”
  • Child sex trafficking (Child Rape)
  • Child sexual molestation

All life is sacred to the Lord, but anyone who has even spent a cursory amount of time studying the word of God, the Holy Bible, understands that there is a special place in God’s heart for children.

Child rape is undoubtedly the worst sin ever contrived by Satan. Just discussing it makes many people very uncomfortable. GOOD! Just imagine how uncomfortable it must be for a 10-year-old boy or girl to be gang raped day after day.

As most readers know I’m working hard to get a federal law passed with very tough sentencing guidelines for child rape. The problem is there are laws already on the books that aren’t being enforced. Nor will they be enforced until enough angry people, especially mothers, unite and DEMAND that prosecutors not allow cases to be plea bargained down to misdemeanors and judges stop suspending sentences for this horrific crime.

Citizens of a moral society should not tolerate this to happen. When a child is involved it cannot be prostitution, it is Child Rape, make no mistake. I lived on the mean street as a drug addict criminal and saw much depravity, but in the short amount of time I’ve seen researching child sex trafficking I’ve seen the worst depravity imaginable.

Certainly, our God has a special place in the depths of hell reserved for these animals; however, I don’t wait until then to see them suffer as the little children suffer. Thirty years of prison ministry has shown me that they will get a taste of their own medicine if they are incarcerated for 25 years to life. Ironically inmates detest sexual predators more than people on the outside. Those convicted of sex crimes, especially to children have to be housed in special units in order to stay alive. In the general population, they will be beaten and stabbed to death in short order. What does that say about our society when incarcerated criminals recognize the depravity of this crime more than law abiding citizens?

We need to realize that children are a gift from God and treat them accordingly.

Psalm 127:3

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth . . .

Have a great weekend and go to Honey Lake Church or somewhere this Sunday!

April 28 2017 – Click here to listen





