The Bible tells us that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. In order to please God we must have faith in Him and “diligently” seek Him.
In fact it is “impossible” to please God without faith. Have you ever doubted your salvation? I’m sure that many of you honestly can say yes to that question. I’m just as sure that “everyone” would like for their answer to be that they “never” doubt their salvation. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will enter heaven as soon as they draw their last breath.
Uncertainty and doubt are the opposite of faith. The Bible instructs us to have “boldness” through the blood of Jesus Christ when approaching God. (Heb.10:19-25) We should rid ourselves of evil conscience knowing our bodies are washed with “pure water”. We are told to hold fast to the confession of our hope, unwavering, for Jesus Christ is unwavering and faithful to us. It is what He did on the cross that allows us to “boldly” approach, not what “we have done”.
My personal faith comes from earnestly and diligently seeking the Lord. I was totally agnostic and even atheistic at one point in my life, yet now am unwavering in my faith. My unshakable faith came from reading and studying the Bible, attending church, associating with other believers, and from persistent prayer petitioning God to help me through all of my daily struggles.
I can assure you that it would be easier just to go fishing or watch football on Sundays, never study the Bible, keep ALL of “my” money, and certainly not take a risk of embarrassing myself by witnessing and letting someone know that I am one of those “born again Christians”.
Easier is not what God desires from us. Would that be diligently seeking the Lord? Would that be an indicator that I firmly believe in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice? No, because if I diligently seek the Lord, my faith would not allow me to live a life contrary to what God wishes for me to live. The same holds true for you . . .
Yes, we will slip, stumble, and fall on occasion, but He will pick us up, dust us off, forgive us for our transgressions and help us on our way to a reward that is more “sure” than the sun coming up in the morning. Jesus Christ is faithful to us for all of eternity; from now on! We all want rewards, especially spending eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ; however remember what God tells us, we must believe and we must “diligently” seek Him in order to obtain them.
This Sunday, Honey Lake Church has a special guest, Evangelist Bill Fay. All of us are called to be witnesses for the Lord. It’s our responsibility as true believers. I can attest that if you’ve never led someone to Jesus, when you finally do, you will experience joy like you’ve never felt before. So, come and learn how to share Jesus without fear this coming Sunday when we welcome back evangelist Bill Fay!
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
April 8, 2016 – Click here to listen