I’m really excited about this weekend’s special second Sunday service with Glenn and Beth Burns speaking at Honey Lake Church. It’s not often that someone foregoes a promising career in order to minister to the homeless, the abused, and some of the lowest of the low in our society and deal with so many seemingly impossible situations. As a matter of fact both Beth and Glenn often respond to Words for the Day when it offers encouragement, the call to perseverance, and the necessary patience to hang on. They tell me: “Thanks Bob, I needed to hear that message today”.
I hear from so many people who seem to want to step into the arena, but most never do. They wonder how they will support their families and make ends meet. They also worry about the stress and rigors of being in the ministry. It is not a glamorous job and is fraught with serious problems. In the ministry the funds are always too low and the need is always too great. Thus they sit on the fence and vacillate until their time has passed, disappointing both themselves and their Father in heaven.
So what makes intelligent, articulate, and talented people like the Burns make such an audacious move? I’m interested to hear their testimony to find out. In my case I entered the ministry because of my tremendous love for Jesus Christ who rescued me from similar dire circumstances right off the mean streets. I know that I deserve to die and be in hell forever because of my dark sin, but Jesus not only commuted my sentence, but He blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I feel a burden to serve him and introduce Him to every lost soul that remains on earth.
The Burns’ undoubtedly have tremendous faith. How did they obtain it? What is their prayer life like? Is that a key component? How rewarding is it to help someone and see them succeed beyond anyone’s wildest expectations? Is that why they do it? How do they recover from seeing someone they’ve helped lift up out of the slime, backslide right back into it? Is it their love for Jesus that drives them?
I once read that Mother Teresa was asked how she could care for her lepers and other misery laden people. At the time she was holding an emaciated dying person in her lap. She softly caressed his head as she gazed into his dying eyes and responded that she sees the face of Jesus in them.
I wonder if the Burns see Him. We’ll find out Sunday. AND they are bring a spectacular special music team with them which will fill us with joy. AND afterwards we will have a feast across the street which will fill our bellies and put a smile on our faces.
Yee haw I can’t wait! Halleluiah!!!!
Luke 6:20
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven
March 10, 2016 – Click here to listen