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Backsliders and drifters quickly turn to the lord when disaster strikes.

One mass example of this phenomenon was when people all over the united States and even the world went to church in massive numbers after the terror and uncertainty of 911 to seek the safety, protection and comfort of the Lord, but in the years since, they have once again turned away from the Lord and resumed drifting farther and farther away from the Lord thus setting us up for the next fall.

The ups and downs of life are unpredictable but we know that they are going to happen. Thus we should not be too surprised when a period of difficulty enters our life. We should not go through life dreading the next mishap slated for us. One goes to a skating rink thinking about an enjoyable evening rather than contemplating how many falls will occur; however one might wear knee pads. Similarly we should not go through life dreading the moment the “hammer might fall”; however we should be prepared for it, and we can best prepare for it by simply staying close to and within the comforting protection of the Lord whereby we can enjoy the peace that surpasses all understanding and comes only from God.

One of my favorite verses in the entire Bible tells us exactly how we should glide through life (and even what we should do when we tumble).

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own Understanding;
In all of your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your Paths

January 21, 2016 – Click here to listen





