From a manger to a cross













Merry Christmas! I hope your day is delightful. Last night I went to a Christmas Eve service at Honey lake Church and as I stared at the nativity scene setup on the stage I thought of Jesus willingly leaving the splendor of His heavenly home and His throne and hordes of attending angels to be born in a lowly manger in a barn being born to sacrifice His precious life for mine and yours.

As I pondered the large wooden cross behind the nativity scene it so exemplified His life. From a manger to a cross His life exhibited nothing but love, even to those who cruelly tortured Him and hung Him on a cross. This was a lesson that He tried to teach us.

I was reminded of the parable of the two men that were in debt. One owed a great sum of money and the other not so much. Both had their debts graciously paid in full. Jesus asked the Pharisees who they thought would be the most grateful; the person whose large debt was paid off on his behalf or the one whose small debt had been erased. The Pharisees knew Jesus was talking about them and their hypocritical ways.

I know that my sin debt was and is enormous and I cannot express with words how much I appreciate what God has done for me in dying on the cross and paying that sin debt for me. I have never been a crier but when I even look at a cross I tear up; let me see a movie like Mel Gibson’s Passion and I cry like a woman. I cry because I think of Jesus having to endure my punishment for my wicked – wicked ways. It is heartbreaking to me to know that I caused my loving Father that pain.

On January 10th I will be giving my testimony at Honey Lake Church’s second Sunday special service. I will be talking about God’s amazing grace and love. I urge you to come and bring an unsaved friend.

I know I can never repay Jesus for what He did for me, but I want to do what I can and literally take advantage of every opportunity to tell others about His loving grace. I love Him with all of my heart and words cannot properly convey that love to you this morning. It’s a shame that the world has bastardized His birth even to the point of trying to take His name out of it entirely, but He was unfazed by those who hated Him and told us not to worry about it either, because the world hated Him before it hated us, (His followers/church). He wants us to pray for them and witness to them.

The Bible tells us God is love. Christmas should be about the love of God in sending His Son to save a lost world. Enjoy your day with your families and please go to Honey Lake Church or somewhere this Sunday.

I hope they will sing His love endures forever. Because I really want to sing praise this particular weekend. Selah . . .

Romans 8:37

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

December 25, 2015 – Click here to listen





