So yesterday I got two e-mails from folks who are angry that we are closing Honey Lake and now they and their friends will have to find another place to conduct their weddings. We have tried our utmost to make the transition as best we can and even provided them a list of those venues with open dates, but it is exceedingly difficult for them because their hearts are set upon getting married here.
Both of these guys wanted to vent which is understandable; however they made disparaging comments about my “faith” which does not set well with me. One went as far as to state that I’m lying about being called by God into fulltime ministry.
I assume it’s too big of a mental challenge for him to understand that I don’t have to make up a lie in order to make a decision to sell Honey Lake Resort. I could have just as easily been selling it if I was filled with darkness and wanted to buy a strip club in Atlanta.
Would this same person disparage and lie about me if I were selling it for that wicked purpose? Of course not; I wouldn’t hear a peep; however if I happen to love the Lord with all my heart and He puts a burden in my spirit for me to go to work for Him fulltime at an age beyond retirement for most people, well that is a different story. Since I’m a Christian somehow that makes me suspect. It is yet another example of the “what is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right” mentality that is so pervasive in this country.
All I can say is they BETTER be glad I’m not still in darkness, because if I were and someone said bad things about me like that, I would without question hunt them and every member of their family down and make them wish they’d never been born. So unbeknownst to them it is actually fortunate for them that I have turned from my demon infested, blood thirsty ways and now follow Jesus.
I can deal with the run of the mill haters much easier than I can those who want to disparage my faith. I suppose I should get used to it. Christians are becoming the preferred targets of the darkness that is blanketing our country and we are moving towards Christian persecution like it has never been seen in this country.
It’s ironic really, because Christians outnumber non-Christians by a landslide, but it has begun slipping, primarily because people will not stand up for Christ and be counted. It is called political correctness. Listen to me people, there is nothing “correct” about killing a 7 pound baby in the womb for convenience, or destroying the institution of marriage originally setup set up by God Himself. It is wrong and eventually this country will be punished for it by a God that will not be mocked.
Hillary Clinton and a writer in the New York Times both were recently quoted as saying that we are going to have to change our religious belief system in this country.
Excuse me? And which parts should we change? I can see the thought process of those who agree with them now.
“Let’s see I think we should omit the parts of the Bible we don’t like.”
“Okay I suppose we should get rid of the part about stealing because I want to cheat on my taxes.”
“Sounds good – sounds good I want to omit adultery as a sin so I can have an affair or two or three.”
“Hmmm . . . better get rid of the ban on lying because everyone loves to lie, but I think we should leave that stuff about not being allowed to murder . . .”
“What about getting rid of the old folks who are sick in order to cut costs?”
“Oops forgot about those blood suckers. Okay, we can change it to say that we cannot murder except for old people.”
“Now – who shall decide what in God’s Holy Bible is no longer relevant?”
“Why us, of course”
Do you think that is a silly analogy? Society changes with the whims of the people which are getting more evil each day. Our citizens do not like to be told that their sins are wrong and would much rather put the blame on God’s messengers and ridicule the message of God. The Savior of the world however never changes. I say put your faith in Jesus and His Bible and stand up for Him at every opportunity and you cannot go wrong in spite of the haters.
Hebrews 13:6
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace,
May 14, 2015 – Click here to listen