Praise God for the beautiful election results that our entire country enjoyed as President Obama and crew and his antichrist policies were soundly defeated in what amounted to a night of unrelenting misery for Democrats as they got thumped in race after race.
It is a time to get on our knees and thank God for His blessing last night upon this land that we love. It is a time to pray that our nation’s newly elected leadership will open their hearts, souls, minds, and ears to God’s will and not the secular pseudo intellectuals. We need to pray that these newly elected politicians remember last night as a stark reminder that this nation does not want to become an immoral socialist nation divided by racial strife, class warfare, and antireligious fervor.
A friend of mine is writing a book and he told me that he could expose some people and things that are happening that would “shake” the world, but he is reluctant to take on that role for fear of retribution from these powerful people. I urged him to write his new book with confidence and to boldly speak the truth and let the truth set him (and us) free. I encouraged him to put his faith in God and do as Paul did in Rome as recorded in Acts 28:31: “Boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God” . . .
Not enough people are willing to speak the truth in these wicked days. Most want to be politically correct and not get pegged as some religious far right nut. The Bible states that friendship with God is enmity with the Lord. We cannot have it both ways. As for me I proudly speak the truth as best I know how and folks can portray me however they deem best. I answer to my Father and I shall give an account to Him. I am unafraid.
Atheists have all but removed God from our country in the last several years with an amazingly small 1.6% of our population; homosexuals parade their agenda on every street with less than 2 %.
How do they do it?
By becoming united and with one voice boldly screaming their perverted worldview to anyone that will listen. Christians should tell the truth with equal fervor and let our majority drown them out.
In six years we’ve had little to celebrate. Take some time today and revel in this sweet victory. We finally won a battle in this fierce war. There will be many more. Satan is in seclusion this morning licking his wounds as I suspect is Obama along with many of his cohorts, but they will not rest and the war against righteousness will not diminish, but intensify.
Yes our country is divided and yes the enemies of God have made progress, but this fight is still far from over. Mark Wilson, CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, wrote of the election here in Florida that the wins that we experienced were largely due to the get out the vote effort. I think Mark is right on target and I personally know many that dedicated huge resources and worked exceedingly hard to get the Christian vote out. I haven’t seen any figures yet, but I am willing to bet that we got a bunch of the silent majority off the couch for this one and they voted in huge numbers.
Yes my brothers and sisters in Christ we need to vote and we need to speak boldly that this is our land that God has blessed. We are one nation under God and we trust in Him first and foremost. You did that last night along with millions of others. Now let’s keep it going and elect a President that shares our values in 2016.
Whoa – Whoa – Give it a rest already!
Sorry – I don’t want to launch into another election just yet; we need to celebrate – Okay we’ll rest a day and begin tomorrow.
Praise God for this glorious day!
2 Cor. 4:15
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart.
November 5, 2014 – Click here to listen