It seems like I get an e-mail or two a day from folks all over the world offering me huge amounts of money provided I will just hurry and send them some money to pay for transferring it. Of course these are nothing but scams and one of many nefarious schemes of crooks trying to get rich quick by preying on the gullible.
The other day a reader wrote and shared his experience (and thoughts) on this phenomenon, and I have shared them, in part, below:
“I received one of those emails that stated that I had a million $$$ waiting for me in Africa, (provided that I would just send some small amount of dollars) . . . As I considered this email, I realized that if schemes like this had been legitimate and I had taken advantage of them, just through these multiple “offers” alone, (that I’ve received since email was created), I would be a billionaire by now.
Then, a thought occurred to me. When compared to the eternal riches of heaven, my perception of “real” wealth and these “offers” is equally bogus. Without a penny, a homeless Christian is wealthier than Bill Gates . . . and for that matter better off even than someone like me who is fairly comfortable but not a multi-billionaire.
The evil one would have us believe that our self-worth is determined by a currency that in the long run, is as worthless as the paper that it is printed on, and only as secure as the government’s “good judgment” that printed it.
God tells us that earthly riches are blinding and temporary, and that we can only thrive through Him. In light of this revelation, the truly rich men, (in earthly possessions) can be the most impoverished among us. As I pondered this I realized that we should pray for the “rich” men that we see, because they may be so focused and blinded by the wealth which God has bestowed upon them that they are missing Jesus.
Now, I am no communist or proponent of the false promises of government’s redistribution of wealth; however, I have seen the immense wealth, (seen and unseen) that has been created by faithful men who are focused stewards of what the Lord has given them. They glow as anointed kings with knees dirtied from bowing before Christ.
BTW – I have met a few billionaires in my day. They are no more happy or sad than most people that we know, and when they leave this world will be judged exactly by the same standards that I will be.
As I think about it I have come to the conclusion that I AM a billionaire every day that I serve God. I only need to recognize the Kingdom that I have been given by Jesus as I walk through the day.
Bravo! My friend nailed it with that last sentence.
I came to this conclusion many years ago. When I die I will not take boats, cash, stocks, bonds, helicopters, planes, mansions, man of the year awards, money, furs, my family, my home boys, or anything other than what I’ve done in this life.
One day at the holy judgment seat of Christ we will all have our turn at kneeling before almighty God. We will be all alone and the material things that we accumulated on this earth will be distant memories. Imagine trying to explain to Christ, the one who suffered so terribly on the cross, why you did not use even a small portion of what God gave you in this brief life to further his Kingdom, and instead gorged and wallowed in self-indulgence enjoying the good life as though this day of reckoning would never come.
Enjoy God’s kingdom here on earth. Remember this statement made by my friend and you can become a zillionaire beginning today: I only need to recognize the Kingdom that I have been given by Jesus as I walk through the day.
Wise old King Solomon was proclaimed by God to be the richest and wisest man the world will ever know. I would say that he knew a little something about riches and life. His summation of both can be realized in the two verses below.
Eccl. 5:10
Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!
Eccl. 12:13
That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.
August 6, 2014 – Click here to listen