Nearly a year ago a lady contacted me about her son. He was a meth addict and she was at her wits end. I told her that in order for him to get better, the young man would have to be willing to seek help himself, and that if she could convince him to come see me it would be a start.
Unbeknownst to most folks, long time drug addicts don’t like being what they are and are miserable people and they want help; however their addiction enslaves them. I told her to pray for him and try to convince him to come see me. Nearly a month came and went as she repeatedly petitioned him to at least come to Honey Lake to talk to me.
Finally he agreed to do just that. He was skinny, covered in tattoos, wore earrings and a gang style baseball cap with large bill and was brash. I spoke to him alone for some time because he had expressed to me prior to his visit that he had some issues with his mother. His condition and habit was far worse than she imagined and he was a full blown addict which meant he was either going to die from an overdose or end up in prison and very soon.
He was full of himself right up to the point that I related my experience on the street and he knew that I understood fully where he was mentally and physically, and further I knew what it would take to save his miserable life. We talked for a couple of hours until I became convinced that he knew what would happen to him if he didn’t go in for rehab. I mentioned that even if he entered rehab he would surely fail if he didn’t go to a faith based center and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. I told him in no uncertain terms that his only hope of ever really changing his life was through Christ.
I assured him that I could and would help get him into a good rehab, but first he had to be willing to seek help himself; otherwise they would never take him; in fact they would not even talk to his mother by phone unless he personally called first.
I gave him my book, Miracle on Luckie Street, and he told me he would read it. Several months went by with no response. I prayed for him quite often and called him from time to time and he told me that he had read my book and was almost ready, but he didn’t want to be away from his young son for such a long time. I warned him not to wait too long, or he may never see his son again. He said he knew that he might die and/or go to prison, but still he wasn’t quite ready.
Finally his mother called and told me he was ready and was going into detox in a few days, (brutal withdrawal treatment from drugs to get one’s body free from the physical craving for drugs).
After talking to him at length by phone and becoming convinced that he was sincere, I enlisted my friend Jack Murphy to get him setup to enter a top faith based rehab center in central Florida. At the last moment the young man almost changed his mind due to the length of time he would have to stay there, (6 months minimum), but finally he entered the facility.
Yesterday I got this touching letter from his mother that says in part:
“I just wanted to touch base with you to tell you Thank You for all your help with my son. We had our first visit today and it was a wonderful feeling for the first time in years seeing him healthy and happy.
I love everything that I have experienced and the transformation in my son’s thinking and I have to tell you that it all came from seeing you on TV at First Baptist Orlando. You are a inspiration to all parents and individuals looking for help. I talked with Jack on my way home today and relayed to him the wonderful feeling I received while being there. I am truly amazed with the wonderful staff and the people I met while staying there. I can never repay you for your leadership but I do Thank God that I met you every day. I hope you have a great week.”
During this time I was also counseling a girl that had written to me with a nearly identical message. She told me she wanted to enter rehab, but wasn’t quite ready. Her excuse was she loved her dog, (her one and only friend in life), and did not want to leave him. Just as I relayed to the young man about his son, I told her she couldn’t help her dog if she overdosed and died, or went to prison; she agreed that was where she was heading, but would not commit, stating she needed more time.
Several months came and went as I prayed for her and periodically contacted her and then I got a letter from her. She said that one of her street acquaintances had ratted her out in exchange for receiving a lighter sentence for herself, and she got setup and busted and was heading to prison. Her time had run out.
This reminded me of free will. God has given all of us the ability to either choose Jesus Christ as our Savior, or reject Him. Those who choose Him, choose life; those who reject Him, choose death.
Famed evangelist Bill Fay preached a stirring message at our church yesterday and he encouraged the entire congregation to choose Jesus Christ. After the invitation he told the congregation that in a crowd that size statistics would indicate that some in that church had chosen not to accept Christ as their Savior at this time and were risking spending eternity in hell.
Hmmm . . . What do you suppose their excuse was yesterday? I need more time to take care of my son or dog or whatever . . . What could possibly be more important than making a decision that determines where one spends eternity?
Maybe they will get by with that decision for a while and maybe not. It is a risky business to wager one’s eternal destiny and put off a decision that we know needs to be made. There is no guarantee of tomorrow or even today for any of us. Don’t delay in surrendering to God and following Him.
Selah . . .
Isaiah 3:9
The very look on their faces gives them away. They display their sin like the people of Sodom and don’t even try to hide it. They are doomed! They have brought destruction upon themselves.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
July 14, 2014 – Click here to listen