Anybody seen Daniel?













I have never been a charismatic type Christian and have remained somewhat reserved in my worship for most of my life. By that I mean I never talked in tongues, experienced prophesy, engaged in healings, had visions or dreams, or had similar gifts; and actually I kind of thought of those things as being on the “fringe”.

In the past two years God has been moving in my life as never before, and I have: had three distinct and direct revelations from God; I was prophesied over; I experienced two visions, and had one dream that could only have come from God.

I know – I know – Some of you think I’ve gone off the deep end, but listen to what the Bible states in 1 Cor. 12 beginning in verse 7:

The Holy Spirit is given to each of us in a special way. That is for the good of all. To some people the Spirit gives the message of wisdom. To others the same Spirit gives the message of knowledge. To others the same Spirit gives faith. To others that one Spirit gives gifts of healing. To others he gives the power to do miracles. To others he gives the ability to prophesy. To others he gives the ability to tell the spirits apart. To others he gives the ability to speak in different kinds of languages they had not known before. And to still others he gives the ability to explain what was said in those languages. All of the gifts are produced by one and the same Spirit. He gives them to each person, just as he decides.

At the conclusion of our recent Renewal of America Prayer Summit we all went to Honey Lake Church to pray. I felt led to go up front and get down on my knees to pray. I was agonizing that I was entirely inadequate and had led such a sin filled life that I did not feel qualified to lead such an important mission as Renewal and I was asking, (begging), God to choose someone else. I said, “Please, please Lord choose someone else. I am not qualified for this! There are many people who have led good wholesome lives and are far better qualified than me to lead this effort; please Lord choose one of them and I will help them with every ounce of my being”.

I kept praying and praying and did not feel the presence of God at all. Since I could not feel His presence and I felt He was far from me, it became very emotional for me and I began weeping very hard and praying all the more intensely; agonizing, pleading, begging, and petitioning God with all of my heart to choose another.

Then as I prayed with eyes tightly shut and both of my hands covering my face, coming out of the black darkness I saw a small blue sphere shaped like the moon suddenly appear approximately 2-3 feet below me. It was not sparkling bright light like a gem; rather it was dimensional-dense and kind of cloudy like a glacier and almost the exact same color of light blue as seen in glaciers. It was not transparent and it did not reflect light, but seemed to emanate its own light, and although not brilliant in nature was absolutely beautiful. I saw the sphere start from down below me and then slowly, purposefully, and steadily move up to within two inches of my eyes and it just stayed there for several minutes in front of my face and then it suddenly disappeared. It was about the size of a large orange.

While it was hovering in front of me I felt the glorious presence of God enter my body and run down my neck and fill my body – it was a wonderful feeling. Then it completely dissipated and was gone and I loudly exclaimed, “No! No! Please don’t leave!” I was exceedingly distraught and remorseful that it left because it was so beautiful, soothing, and peaceful and I knew it was God and I so wanted Him to return.

Then I saw a smaller version came up, (smaller than a tennis ball) and repeat the previous sphere’s action by moving from below up near my face and hovering. It had a smooth surface and was simply round, (no distinguishing features), but it had depth and I could not see through it. This time it stayed longer as though looking at me intently. Then like the one before it dissipated.

This time I’d found my peace with the leadership role and went back to the pew and felt totally relaxed and at ease with everything. I just sat their stunned and marveled at what I’d experienced.

That night a deeply spiritual friend who had prophesied over me month’s beforehand that God had spoken to him and told him that he had chosen me to lead the Renewal of America effort, my wife, another lady and I all went to my house to pray. As I prayed with eyes tightly shut, abruptly the darkness disappeared and I saw a brightly lit room approximately 20X20 that was sparkling white. It had white walls, ceiling and shiny white marble floor with no seams in it. In the exact center of the room I saw a stream of extremely bright red blood about one to two inches wide flowing down from about four feet high to form a slowly expanding pool on the white floor about three to four feet in diameter. The blood was not emanating from anything; it was not running down a wall but just seemed to be free standing in the exact center of this room and slowly flowing a rivulet of very bright red blood. The contrast between the white room and floor and arterial red blood was stunning.

My friend had been praying with me and sensed something was wrong and asked me what was going on. I mournfully told him I saw blood. He asked me how it made me feel; and I told him it made me feel really bad. I kept praying and praying and suddenly the bright white room was gone and I saw nothing but darkness again. Just then the small blue sphere that I’d seen in the church earlier reappeared, beginning down below, and as before slowly moving right before my eyes where it remained suspended right in front of my face. Again I felt the glory and peace of God take over and as before “spiritual goose bumps” swept up and down my neck again . . . Then it was gone.

I was shown an image of the blood of Christ and by showing it to me He was telling me that His blood was all powerful and easily covers ALL sin and for me to get over my sins and that He had forgiven them and was now going to use me to serve his purpose. The white room signified His purification of me through His sacrificial blood that purified and cleansed me of my sins like
refining gold.

I didn’t hear a word out loud, but God spoke to me in what I would describe as a strident forceful manner: YOU QUIT WORRYING ABOUT SINS I HAVE FORGIVEN AND GET TO WORK!

This stuff spooks me out! Where is Daniel when you need him?

One thing certain God is sovereign and He uses the most unlikely people to accomplish His purpose. Do you think you are too insignificant, unworthy, bad, stupid, useless, and/or ill-equipped to serve God in a mighty way? Then think again . . .

1 Cor. 1:27

Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.

July 23, 2014 – Click here to listen





