8 to 1 – Now that’s how to win a fight!













I had an epiphany the other day about how our country can return to its core values. As you may or may not be aware, our country is ruled by the almighty dollar and not Republicans, Democrats, liberal elites, conservatives, or business tycoons.

Just look what happened when the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination (GLAAD) and professional racist Jesse Jackson joined together against the Duck Commander and temporarily had his participation in Duck Dynasty suspended on A&E and merchandise removed from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant chain.

Cracker Barrel removed the merchandise on Friday and by Sunday they were busily putting it back on the shelves and apologizing for offending so many of its “valued” customers. Amid much fanfare A&E “welcomed” Phil Robertson back to the show yesterday.

So why the sudden change of heart?

There was no change of heart; it was a cold hard business decision. These entities came to understand that there are more God fearing people in the country who have more purchasing power than those tiny minorities who want to destroy our religious freedom.

News Flash: Greed inevitably wins out over conviction.

To hear the noise created by our progressive dominated media and Hollywood one would think that the liberal elite, homosexuals and assorted radical African American, jihadist Muslims, et al outnumber those who simply want to put in a hard day’s work, raise their families in a wholesome – sane atmosphere, and worship God in peace, but nothing could be further from the truth because we outnumber them eight to one. (Those are the kind of odds I like when I’m in a fight.)

The difference between us and them right now is that they are determined, well organized, passionate, well financed, own Hollywood and the media, control the government and our schools and vote and buy in a block in order to change this country. This tells me that if we want to see America return to the foundational values and faith in God that made it the greatest country on earth, then we need to do the same thing – only better – because there is a heck of a lot more of us than them. Too we need to keep in mind that this isn’t a Republican/Democrat issue; it’s  faith, freedom, and decency issue.

Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said in a statement following A&E’s announcement, “The attacks on Phil Robertson revealed to the American people that the push to redefine marriage is less about the marriage altar than it is fundamentally altering America’s moral, political and cultural landscape. 

A&E Network’s reversal in the face of backlash is quite telling to the American people who are growing tired of GLAAD and cultural elites who want to silence people and remove God and His word from every aspect of public life.”

So you might be thinking, “We are helpless – We cannot get our story out on the liberally biased mainstream television networks, they are run by the very people we oppose”.

OH YES WE CAN! Just remember that advertisers finance those shows. It’s easy to see what happens when minorities threaten a boycott. If we organized an effective boycott against them for supporting an agenda contrary to our cherished belief system, they’d collapse like a house of cards; just look to Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty for the answer to that one.

The same holds true with a government out of control and removing God from every aspect of our society. I read the following this morning:

Today I went to visit the new World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. I got an unexpected history lesson. Because I’m a baby boomer, I was one of the youngest in the crowd. Most were the age of my parents, Veterans of ‘the greatest war,’ with their families. It was a beautiful day, and people were smiling and happy to be there. Hundreds of us milled around the memorial, reading the inspiring words of Eisenhower and Truman that are engraved there.

On the Pacific side of the memorial, a group of us gathered to read the words President Roosevelt used to announce the attack on Pearl Harbor:

‘Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked.’

One elderly woman read the words aloud:

‘With confidence in our armed forces, with the abounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph.’

But as she read, she was suddenly turned angry. ‘Wait a minute,’ she said, ‘they left out the end of the quote. They left out the most important part. Roosevelt ended the message with ‘so help us God.’

Her husband said, ‘You are probably right. We’re not supposed to say things like that now.’

‘I know I’m right,’ she insisted. ‘I remember the speech.’ The two looked dismayed, shook their heads sadly and walked away.

Listening to their conversation, I thought to myself, ‘Well, it has been over 50 years; she’s probably forgotten.’

But she had not forgotten. She was right . . .

I went home and pulled out the book my book club is reading – ‘Flags of Our Fathers’ by James Bradley. It’s all about the battle at Iwo Jima . . .

There it was on page 58. Roosevelt’s speech to the nation ends in ‘so help us God.’

The people who edited out that part of the speech when they engraved it on the memorial could have fooled me. I was born after the war! But they couldn’t fool the people who were there. Roosevelt’s words are engraved on their hearts.


People today are trying to change the history of America by leaving God out of it,
but the truth is God has been a part of this nation, since the beginning. He still
wants to be . . . and He always will be! 

The liberal elites financed by billionaire George Soros and the like get those elected who will do their bidding. They use their money; they engage in hard (smart) work; they have passion for their cause; and they utilize constant and consistent brainwashing of the uninformed (the majority of the voters in our country).

We have the potential to inject 8 times as much money, passionate hard working smart people, and resources to get the true story before the uninformed so they will vote intelligently.

What would happen if the overwhelming majority stood up and said to the politicians, this will not be tolerated anymore? We will not have our history books or our constitution rewritten to accommodate some single digit minority of well financed atheists! We will not change the morality of society to accommodate a single digit coalition of homosexuals or any other group!

They’d melt like an ice cube in hell, grin, and get busy correcting that problem in order that they might stay in office just one more term.

We need prayer warriors, volunteers and financial support and we can win this war for our country. Don’t give up and don’t believe that we are outnumbered. Remember the Duck Commander and the support for Chick-fil-A when they came under attack. We merely need to come together and become a FORCE! Our Worldwide Ministry will be launching a charge soon in a Renewal of America effort to ignite and unite all believers to restore faith and sanity to our country. God willing our faith will win this war.

Join us!

1 John 5:4

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.

December 30, 2013 – Click here to listen





