Ordinary? No extraordinary!













Something huge is happening in my life. God is moving in a mighty way and it’s mind-boggling. I’ve seen it happen before and all I can do is watch in awe as God prepares the way for whatever He has in mind for me next. People are literally coming out of the woodwork who want to become a part of our ministry and these aren’t just ordinary folks they are extraordinary in their capabilities and resources.

Yesterday a man came up to me at the resort and out of the blue told me that he’d decided to do something of great import for me; I can’t share more at this time, but stay tuned, it’s major and exciting just to be considered for it!

I told my wife about it when I got home last night and she started laughing. I was puzzled as she laughed and laughed and laughed. Finally I’d had enough and interrupted and asked what the heck was so funny about it. She told me that God was moving so fast in my life that it was just funny to her.

She’s right; in fact my youngest son and I drove all of the way to Orlando just last Friday in order to meet with my good friend Pastor David Uth of First Baptist Orlando to discuss all of the things that were happening in rapid fire succession. I wanted him to help me sort it all out and to ask what he made of it. After I sought his Godly counsel I asked my good friend to pray for me.

I was thinking about this at 2:00 a.m. this morning. Why me? Why would God choose to bless me with these opportunities? I don’t get it. I’m just an ordinary person. I’m not educated; I don’t have royal blood flowing through my veins. I have a sordid past and I’m not smart. In fact I’m dumb. How smart was it to put a needle in my arm, or a gun in people’s faces? One time I even took on five fully armed, heavily muscled bad-to-the-bone New Orleans cops. I ended up in jail with a brain concussion, all of the ribs on one side broken, shattered hand and nose, bruises and contusions literally all over my body, and spent nearly two weeks in the hospital after I got out of jail.

As I said, “Dumb”!

I believe God chooses the weak among us to accomplish His purpose for a reason and that is so there can be no mistake that it was God doing it and not His chosen servant.

The prophet Samuel was tasked by God with finding the right person to become King of Israel to replace Saul. God told him to go to Jesse and choose one of his sons.

Jesse brought out the oldest and he was handsome and strong and for all practical purpose was the obvious choice, but God refused Samuel’s request to anoint him king stating: Man looks at how someone appears on the outside. But I look at what is in the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 (Remember, King Saul looked good on the outside, but on the inside, he was proud and disobedient and that is why he would be replaced.)

After looking them all over and having all his choices rejected, finally an exasperated Samuel asked if he didn’t have another son. His youngest son David was out tending sheep and they called for him. Jesse didn’t initially run David out there because he wasn’t the biggest or the strongest of his sons, but what he didn’t realize was that he had what God was looking for.

God said that David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). What did He mean by that? David loved God; he wanted to listen to Him, follow and obey Him. This doesn’t mean that David never sinned. No human is perfect, and sadly, David did sin. But David trusted God.

This little kid fearlessly took on Goliath, the baddest dude on the planet. He picked up a stone and used his sling shot to bop him on the head and killed him deader than a goose in a hailstorm. So did this scrawny little kid accomplish that feat or did God direct that rock to hit him between the eyes?

David fearlessly faced the giant and slung the stone, and killed him graveyard dead through his faith in God who directed that rock right between that punk’s mean eyes. David had faith! Do you?

So God chooses you to do a mighty work for Him and you accept and lo and behold accomplish it. What happens when you get the victory? Do you take a victory lap and say, “Hey everyone look at me”? Or do you remain humble and quietly give thanks to God for the victory that belongs to Him.

God wants us to remain humble. In 2 Cor. 12:9 God stated: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” The Apostle Paul subsequently made the statement “So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me”.

I think this was written to keep us humble, and in Paul’s case was written to prevent his being lifted up above measure, on account of the visions and revelations he received.

If God blesses us, it is He that should get the glory.

Moreover and perhaps more importantly we should realize that we are weak in ourselves, but that we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And when we feel that weakness in ourselves, then we should go to Christ to receive strength from Him, and enjoy His divine grace.

So I sum it up this fine rainy morning by advising you to never think that you are just ordinary or worse, (in spite of what others may think or say about you). With God you are extraordinary and what you can do is unlimited.

I’ve accomplished some significant things in life because of my faith, and you can accomplish big things too, provided you have faith.

Just remember after you’ve clawed your way to the top of the heap, remember that it was God who carried you up that hill . . .

To God be the glory! Amen!

Phil. 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

November 26, 2013 – Click here to listen





