He’s on top but hardly notices













I recently read a book on humility. A buddy sent it to me and I asked him if that was a hint. He laughed and said no, that he just thought I’d enjoy it.

I did.

I love to be around humble people and detest being around those who think they are among the great ones and revel in themselves. The Bible has much to say about humility and no one set a clearer example of how to carry oneself than Jesus Christ. He’s our premiere example of how to live our lives and be humble.

Our Savior chose to be born in a lowly stable and placed in a manger. He walked on dusty roads and rode on old wooden fishing boats that creaked with the waves and smelled of stinking fishing nets. He even sat upon a simple donkey as He rode into Jerusalem.

Keep in mind this is almighty God of which we speak; He’s the all-powerful, Creator of the Universe, King of Kings and could have had a host of glorious angels waiting on Him hand and foot, ridden in the finest chariots, and slept in lavish accommodations in the finest palaces.

He set the stars in place and designed all of creation, and yet He chose to assume the most humble of roles and serve and minister to the lepers, poor, despised, and down trodden. He even got down on His hands and knees to wash the filthy dirty feet of His disciples.

Most significantly of course, in our stead He took our punishment and died a painful humiliating death on a cross stripped of His clothes in front of a jeering, taunting crowd that spat upon Him. He did it in order that we might live.

So how does that make you feel?

I can’t speak for you, but I’m humbled by it.

We are rapidly approaching our Honey Lake Church and Worldwide Ministries spiritual weekend event with Coach Bobby Bowden. On Saturday night we’ll enjoy finger licking good barbeque, a silent auction, and a Gospel singing concert. I’ll give my testimony and then Coach Bobby Bowden will offer his inspiring words of encouragement. Then at our church service Sunday morning Coach Bowden will take to the pulpit in beautiful Honey Lake Church to glorify His Savior.

Coach Bowden is the current all-time winningest coach in all of college football; he is revered by fans and admired by too many people to mention in this devotional, and yet he is one of the most humble people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And make no mistake I’ve met my fair share of famous coaches, professional athletes, celebrities, powerful CEO’s and politicians, and other “important” folks.

Unfortunately far too many of them are enamored by themselves ad nauseum, but not Coach Bowden. He doesn’t even mention his accomplishments on the field unless asked, but his eyes truly light up and he gets EXCITED when he talks about serving the Lord. He is truly a humble servant of the Lord and always puts Jesus first in his life and that was true throughout his coaching career.

I’ve talked with hundreds of people in the buildup towards this event and I’ve hardly met anyone who hasn’t heard him speak at a church, FCA event, or similar gathering somewhere. The reason so many have heard him is that not a weekend passes that the coach is not standing in a pulpit or a podium somewhere talking about Jesus Christ and all that HE accomplished on our behalves. He views his own fame simply as a vehicle to gain access to a platform that can be used to preach the Gospel.

Simply wonderful . . .

He is 83 years young and has retired from coaching now, but is still going strong when it comes to witnessing to others. I hope you can come listen to this great man of God while there is yet time. It would be a shame to miss out on it. He is a vivid example of someone who hardly notices his own success and credits God with even that.

I’m humbled when I’m in his company and strive to achieve that same attitude in my own life.

I also want to say that I’m humbled by all of you who have supported this great event too. Many have bought tickets or tables and are anxiously awaiting it; others cannot be there for one reason or the other, and yet are praying for its success; some have bought tables and donated them to the poor among us including some student athletes. Several of you have sacrificially donated time and/or contributed a host of outstanding silent auction items, and spent many long hours working on this event.

To be sure whatever money that will be raised will be used in the ministry to spread the word of God all over the world. But keep in mind that there will be those who attend this weekend that will hear one of the most successful human beings on this planet explain his formula for success which begins and ends with putting Christ first in our lives whose lives will be changed by it.

God bless Coach Bobby Bowden and God bless you. I’m humbled to be in his and your presence, and of course most of all to be in the presence of Jesus Christ.

John the Baptist said it most eloquently:

Mark 1:7

And he preached, saying, “After me comes He who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 

September 5, 2013 – Click here to listen





