I feel great this morning; no hangover, no headache, no bad taste in my mouth, no diarrhea, and plenty of energy. I’m going deer hunting shortly and hope to see a big one. I was thinking of all those people who partied down last night and I wonder if they’d like to go hunting with me this fine morning. (HA, they won’t even roll out of bed ‘til noon and then they’ll be reaching for aspirin and not a deer rifle.)
And then there is this: Some will be trying to make bond this morning after spending the night in jail for DUI. It’s grand to drink Champagne, watch the ball drop in Times Square, and kiss your honey, but there is a really nasty side to New Year’s Eve celebrations; ask those family members who will begin making funeral arrangements today for their loved ones. I looked up the estimate for traffic deaths that were predicted to occur last night and it ranged from 347 to 475.
As I perused my Google search page many fatalities were already listed this morning, adding credence to the grim forecast. I hope and pray it doesn’t reach that many, which by the way is up nearly 100 over last year’s forecast.
It makes me sad to think of all of those families who are grieving right now. It was such a waste. They could be alive this very moment and feeling great just like me. Alas some things in life seem as though they are such great fun, but in the end wreak disaster. Drinking to excess is certainly one of them.
One night I got drunk and crashed my car head on into another. I still have the steel rod that was inserted down the center of my right femur, (it was taken out two years later and the doctor gave it to me as a keepsake). I suffered more pain during that time as any in my life. I walked with a limp for years afterwards.
I have lots of regrets in life, but I don’t regret stopping drinking. I cannot drink moderately; instead if I start drinking I want to keep going until I reach that certain level of being high, (inebriated), and that makes me an alcoholic. If you’re like that then you’re an alcoholic too and need to do something about it. I doubt you’ll find a better New Year’s resolution than to become sober and stay that way.
I have lots of friends and most of them drink, but there are those of us who don’t. I still have a good time in social settings, but admittedly I wish I could drink socially. Every alcoholic feels that way, but we cannot. If we do, it is only a matter of time until we are right back where we started.
It doesn’t bother me for people to drink in front of me and I don’t condemn anyone for drinking. Indeed I believe the Bible teaches that drinking in moderation is not a sin and is perfectly permissable. It’s drinking to excess that is a sin. As with all sin there are consequences for it and lives are devastated by drinking to excess including law enforcement issues, divorce, violence, abuse, suicide, loss of employment, liver disease, traffic accidents, high blood pressure, loss of friends, and embarrassing moments that will never be erased.
Enjoy your day today. God has blessed us with a brand new year and it’s up to us to make it the best year ever. If you’re an alcoholic or headed that way, vow to put an end to it today. BTW I never met an alcoholic who set a goal to become one. It happens without warning and it can happen to anyone including you. So don’t feel bad about yourselves for having that weakness just recognize it for what it is and do something about it.
I have a great idea. Let’s fill ourselves with the Spirit this year. It’s the one thing that we just can’t get enough of and that’s a good thing!
Eph. 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;