Trials and tribulation











I once heard someone say that we are always in one of three conditions.

We are either currently enduring trials and tribulation, emerging from trials and tribulation or heading into them. Life is like a roller coaster, we have valleys and peaks. I have personally endured more pain than I thought I could bear. Time and again I did bear it though, and like clockwork I have emerged from the valley to once again be perched on another peak. Enduring trials builds character and perseverance.

I am stronger because of them, but absolutely dread going through them again. I know of some friends that are suffering greatly right now. All seems hopeless at this point in their lives and it is little solace to know that soon they will be emerging from the deep dark valley and sunshine and blue sky will peek through the clouds. It is kind of like hitting your thumb with a hammer. Intellectually you know that it will soon quit hurting and in time you probably will not even remember it; however, when it happens, it hurts! Knowing that “this to shall pass” just doesn’t help very much.

Times like these are special times for your relationship with God. The Holy Spirit of God is known as the Comforter throughout the Bible, He is the only source of true comfort during the darkest of times. Friends can only provide outer support, but only God can help you deep down in your soul and enable you to endure the worst that satan can throw at you. God is reaching out to you particularly in times of trouble, He “stands at the door and knocks”, but you have to let Him in. We cannot escape trials. It is important to keep in mind that God has not turned His face from us during these times. Just the opposite He loves you and wants you to draw close to Him whereby He can help you.

God’s love for us exceeds human love. It is unimaginable. Why would a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people? I honestly do not know, but I trust that God has a “perfectly” logical reason and one day we will understand because He will explain it to us. I do not know why Christ had to suffer as He did. His suffering exceeded all of our suffering combined and then some. Until God chooses to explain this phenomenon to us, when in the valley, know that God is right there with you and simply ask for His help in getting you through it. He is the only answer to what you are currently enduring.


Psalms 23:4

Yea though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they
comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house
of the Lord



