Yesterday I received two advance copies of my book “Miracle on Luckie Street” from the printer. It’s been a long time in coming and it gives me a feeling of tremendous accomplishment to actually look at it sitting on the desk beside me at this very moment. In fact I think I’ll stop typing and pick it up and thumb through it for a moment right now.
That was nice
Not long ago I was looking in the Words for the Day archives and found a WFTD written in 2005 that spoke of my working on this book. At that time it was entitled the “Difference”. I actually started it even earlier than that and called it “Pit Bull” to begin with. I worked on it off and on whenever I could make a little time for it, but after I sold Horizon Software, I worked it fulltime in earnest 12-18 hours per day, six and sometimes even seven days per week for almost two years.
And now it’s done and its ready to serve the Lord and accomplish His purpose for it.
Late yesterday evening my wife and I were walking through our newly constructed home. It’s in its final stages and the construction workers were hanging the light fixtures, finalizing the trim, conducting last minute touch up painting, landscaping, etc. It’s been a long time coming too, and it’s quite a feeling to prepare to move into this, our beautiful new home, overlooking pristine Honey Lake.
Heck it was merely an idea less than two years ago.
Actually if you were to visit Honey Lake you would see a beehive of activity of folks working on ideas that are soon to become reality. They are currently raising the walls of our Honey Lake Chapel, drying in our 21,000 foot grand conference center, finishing the spa and salon, fine tuning the landscaping for the cottages, finishing the new stables, the chicken coop, the Smokehouse, and on and on and on.
I wonder sometimes if I might have too many ideas. I’ve founded 11 businesses and they seem to just keep coming. People often question my sanity and ask me why I don’t slow down.
Hmmm I suppose the answer is that I really enjoy that feeling of accomplishment that I referenced earlier. To be sure behind every accomplishment there is a raging battle that has to be fought and it ain’t easy. Indeed there are more than a fair share of long hours, difficult decisions, angst, fiery meetings, high blood pressure, and controlled chaos in driving any project to completion, but in the end when the battle has been won and the finished product gleams back at you — well — there is nothing quite like that feeling I tell you.
I think that is how it will be, (only better), when we experience this world’s final curtain and we take our last breath on this earth and the Lord calls us home. The fiery trials and battles will be over and the final product, our glorified bodies, will be brilliantly shining with God’s glory as He perfects us to His satisfaction. Can you imagine what a feeling that it will be on that day? Being perfect? Being in heaven?
As you fight your way through this life and tackle your own bold initiatives, keep your eye on the finish line. That’s how I endure the battles and keep my sanity. I envision actually holding that book in my hand, sitting in the study of my new home and writing WFTD, praying in that chapel, seeing weddings and corporate retreats at our conference center, seeing people using our software systems, or eating sausage from our Smokehouse and loving it, witnessing to people over and over and over again and then finally seeing them with tears streaming down their faces accepting the Lord and realizing that now they too will one day be made perfect by our loving Father and will serve Him forever in heaven in glorious splendor, and seeing myself right there with them grinning like a possum.
Ahhh. This is gonna be a GREAT day. Breathe that fresh air, roll up your sleeves and go get em today folks! It’s terrific to be alive. What day is this anyway? Friday? Who cares Friday, Monday, Thursday, they’re all the same, they are days to accomplish God’s purpose for you on this earth… Make use of today won’t you?
Have a good weekend.
2 Tim 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Go get ’em
Posted in, Endure