Our opportune times may never come!











It would not surprise me or most any informed person if Israel attacked Iran today. They are going to have to act soon in order to prevent Iran from going nuclear. It’s obvious that the Obama administration is just going to keep talking as they have for over a year and a half and do little else until they are a nuclear power unless Israel acts first with a preemptive strike to prevent it. If and when Iran gets nukes, it states that it will use them to wipe the Jews off the map, and the Israelis have little other choice.

This is a real situation and could happen at any time. It is all but inevitable.

According to Bible prophecy as I understand it, the time is also right for the Lord to return and Rapture Christians at any time. It states the Lord will come as a “thief in the night”. As we think about that terminology, it is clear that the Lord will return when most of us least expect it, just as a thief would come at a time when no one will be on guard. Indeed the Bible states that folks will be eating, drinking, partying, getting married, and going about their lives just as they did in the days of Noah when the flood came and swept them away and they perished. It warns us to be vigilant.

The same holds true with Israel. Their attack will come as a thief in the night and their strike will be swift and deadly. In spite of the mounting signs that attack is eminent, many will bury their heads in the sand and be totally unprepared for it. All hell will break out in a war that will dwarf Iraq and Afghanistan and many will perish.

Christians have been warned of the Last Days throughout the Bible and are instructed to remain watchful. None of what will transpire should come as a surprise, but undoubtedly it will. We are told to live each day as though it might be our last and to spread the Gospel, but it largely falls on deaf ears simply because, (I believe), many don’t trust the word of God enough.

Yesterday I talked about witnessing to others in WFTD. I asked readers to give their testimony to others and if they could not, at least go to YouTube and search Miracle for Luckie Street and watch my testimony and send it to others. Last night I was disappointed when I went online to YouTube and noticed that only a very small number of people have viewed the video. I wonder if any of the WFTD readers actually witnessed to anyone yesterday. I hope they are not waiting for an “opportune time” to approach someone for whom they have concern. My message this morning is: Our “opportune times” may never come. Do it today – Time is running out

We need action now, not in six months. Too many of us are eating, drinking, partying, getting married and living in the days of Noah without a second thought to what is coming. I feel like Paul Revere shouting, “The British are coming” to deaf ears, (or perhaps a modern day Noah).

Jesus Christ said the fields are ripe and ready for harvest NOW. He did the hard labor of preparing the fields, sowing the seed, and giving life to the crop. We need to help with the harvest before it rots in the fields. Please! If you cannot or will not give your testimony, send mine, (http://tinyurl.com/2fx82gl ), to at least ten people that you love or are concerned with their eternal destiny today. It will only take a minute or two from your busy schedule to send it to someone, and a little over 14 minutes or so for your friend to view it. If just one person turns to Jesus, it will be well worth it for eternity.

John 4:35
You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.



