Ready, set, ACTION!











I’m migrating back down to the Florida Keys this week, having been driven away from my home near Tallahassee by the bitter cold. I look forward to the warm Keys days, blue ocean, and sailfish swarming after silver ballyhoo. Aside from fishing I hope to make excellent progress and close in on finishing up the rough draft of my book while I’m down south.

I’ve been working on my book almost a year and a half now and it has been a major undertaking. I have observed that it takes an average of approximately 20 hours to write a single chapter and I’m currently on chapter 65. That does not include all of the time spent thinking about it, which far exceeds the writing time.

That is a lot of hard work and at times it seems like there is no end in sight. It has been difficult to relive the darkest days of my life and admittedly I had to fight off the urge on more than one occasion to just scrap the entire notion of writing a book, and instead relax, have fun, and enjoy myself.

I wanted to quit, but I forged ahead and now I see light at the end of the tunnel. I will finish the rough draft hopefully by the end of February and then spend a few months editing it and finally I will get it published this year, Lord willing.

I cannot wait to see it in print and of course the hope and prayer is that untold numbers of people whom I’ve never even met will benefit from it. In that regard, everyone in my focus group who has read it, including some consummate professionals and very accomplished writers, have indicated to me that they think it is powerful and will no doubt help a lot of people. I pray they are right. I’m trying to give it my absolute best for this important project.

Currently I am also in the midst of developing a spa and resort on my beautiful hunting plantation. Bulldozers are bellowing, carpenters are banging away, electricians are stringing wire, laborers are laboring, roofers are hammering down shingles, concrete is being poured, and plumbers are plumbing away on the various cottages, restaurants, bunkhouses, spa, salon, fitness center, meeting center, lodge, office, general store, stables, and on and on.

A friend of mine and I were talking about watching it take shape and how it began with an idea in the old noggin, to some drawings and plans, to actually starting construction on it in earnest, all of the way to seeing the dream become a beautiful reality. The satisfaction derived from being part of such a project is very rewarding to say the least.

It also gives me great pride to view the multi-story building in Duluth Georgia that houses the company that I founded, Horizon Software International, or to go online and look at the websites of other companies that I founded, but it all pales in significance when compared to the project of writing this book.

It will take approximately two years to complete the book and it took a lifetime to build my other businesses including sixteen years to build Horizon alone, why would the book be more rewarding?

Because this book project is dedicated solely to the Lord, that is why. I cannot adequately describe the feeling of accomplishment of working on such a project for the Lord. It is amazing to know that when I am struggling to find the right words to write and I want to just give up in exasperation, that the Lord is watching over my shoulder and prodding me to keep searching. I can often actually feel His presence in the room with me as I struggle through difficult chapters and there is no better feeling than that my friends.

I highly encourage you to undertake your own project dedicated solely to the Lord and experience this phenomenon first-hand. Many of you are highly successful and have gone far in the world. Have you used those same skills to glorify God? You know that the Bible tells us that in so doing we make our Father proud, not to mention that someday He will heap heavenly rewards upon us that will endure forever?

Don’t just dream about it as you stare into the sky, go out there and do it! Action is needed to make the dreams become reality

Eccl. 11:4
He who observes the wind will not sow, And he who regards the clouds will not reap.



