Recently I was besieged by two very stressful situations. Each situation was caused by a different person located in a different city, but they could be identical twins working in unison as to how they behaved. They are both lackadaisical problematic people and they are on the shallow end of the bottom of the barrel as far as the quality of their work goes.
Unfortunately both were assigned important tasks. They did not follow instructions and did terrible jobs and it ended up costing me money. When confronted, instead of owning up to what they did and/or showing any hint of remorse, just the opposite occurred. They were both surly and unapologetic and tried to blame their shortcomings on everything but their own shoddy behavior. I got as mad as I have been in fifteen or twenty years when confronting each of these situations.
I hate it when I lose control of my temper. I want to hold fast to my integrity in spite of what occurs around me, but it seems that some situations are just too much for me. In these two instances I did not control what I said, and very nearly did not control my fists. Sigh. I HATE it when that happens
The Lord God does not want us to fail Him when we are in stressful situations and face adversity. Poor old Job was God’s faithful servant and loved Him with all of his heart, but lost his family, his health, and his wealth. Throughout it all he maintained his character. His friends and wife told him to curse God and die and he refused. In the end God restored Job to a point far beyond his former state.
If you are like me and too often allow stressful situations to get the best of you, then do as I did this morning and take a few minutes to study Job.
If we fail God nothing good happens from it and I failed God and myself in both of these instances and can attest to that. One verse straight out of Job’s mouth sticks out as a major good lesson for me to learn. See below:
Job 2:9
Then his wife said to him, “Do
you still hold fast to your integrity?
Curse God and die!”
But he said to her, “You speak
as one of the foolish women speaks.
Shall we indeed accept good from
God and shall we not accept adversity?”
In all of this Job did not sin
with his lips.
I HATE it!
Posted in, Stress