I went fishing the other day and my crew contained one guy that I have never met before. At one point the fishing got slow and since we did not have anything else to do, we started talking about the economy and what is happening with the massive spending and taxation programs. A little over half the country voted for Obama and the other half did not. I did not. His views on abortion alone would have made it impossible for me to vote for him.
Aside from that I think his idea of a massive government bailout and takeover of businesses, out of control spending and give away programs, combined with the increased taxation that will be necessary to pay for it all will devastate this country even more with long term effects that will stifle entrepreneurism, result in huge inflation, devaluation of the dollar and will change the USA, the land of the free to a land of the not so free, from a free capitalistic society to a European style socialist country. They are now even talking about removing tax write-offs for charitable giving Go figure!
Regardless of his charisma and ability to woo admirers, Obama is nothing more and nothing less than the tax and spend liberal that he said he was prior to being elected and he will tax and spend our grandchildren right into serfdom if he is allowed to do so. That is my not so humble prediction, but before you angrily unsubscribe or send me a nasty e-mail or both, hear me out.
Everyone on the boat seemed to agree with my assessment; however the new guy did not have much to say. When we got back and I was carrying the rods around to put in the truck I saw a big Obama sticker on his truck and I laughed out loud. I was glad that I did not really get on my high horse. I also was glad that one of the guys asked me why our country is in the mess it is. This is not an Obama/McCain or Republican/Democrat issue, it is a moral issue and neither side has a moral compass that works. We have leaders from all parties that are corrupt throughout. Just look at how many of them cheat on their taxes.
We had deregulation because of greed and corruption in high places. The industry hired lobbyists to contribute money in exchange for deregulation of the mortgage industry. Corrupt lawmakers on both sides who just wanted to enrich themselves and get re-elected at all costs sold us out. This allowed mortgage brokers to make loans to people who could not afford them and by the way should not have been spending money they did not have. The brokers made their fees and sold them to other brokers who rolled them into equity funds and made even more lavish fees. Unsuspecting investors bought them because they thought they were “safe” because they were investing in mortgages that were secured with real estate. When the notes finally ballooned and no one could pay, the balloon popped like sticking a needle in it and it all came tumbling down. The people are now losing their homes, the investors lost their money and the investment banks tanked, and the banks are failing because they financed too much stuff that was rotten and now have mainly bad loans on their books and people cannot pay anymore. Home builders and contractors and their crews and suppliers are now out of work.
Simultaneously the general public was maxing out credit cards and spending, spending, spending, money they did not have and raising credit card debt to astronomical levels. Along comes the corruption of lobbyists convincing lawmakers to allow banks to charge astronomical fees for credit card debt. The people cannot make headway in paying off their credit cards because of the high fees that are making banks rich and the fees alone take all of their available income.
Simultaneously practically every lawmaker is taking money from special influence groups be it from the unions, lawyers, special interests and industries, minorities, contractors who want to build bridges and tunnels to nowhere, whatever to pass legislation that will enrich them at taxpayer expense. It is a den of thieves that we have within and without Washington. Now they are all lining up to get their hands on the trillions that will be thrown out like throwing beads at a Mardi Gras parade.
Greed and corruption is at every level of government and the jails are full of lawmakers. It is so commonplace it is not even shocking anymore. Combine that with our society allowing 40 million unborn children to be aborted, prayer and any reference to God being eliminated from the public eye, and homosexuality and immorality to rage through our society, the Internet, movie theaters, and television and you have a recipe for disaster.
What this country needs is not more Democrats or Republicans, but more God fearing honest men and women who have character and will stand on their convictions and make hard choices and the right choices. We need to turn this country back towards God. We need God to bless America again because our leaders have founded our society as one nation under God. Without that we can rightfully expect to see a continued decline and a deep slide towards socialism and perhaps even worse. It is my sincere belief that God will not bless this country unless it turns from its current course of greed and corruption and moral decay. I do not know what the odds are of that happening, but I am not encouraged and feel sad about it. I am old enough to remember the times that this country did make God a priority in our society and things were better back in those days I pray for a revival in this country…
Psalm 6:4
Return O Lord, deliver me!
Ugly days
Posted in, Greed