Recently I watched some interviews with football players who have made it to the Super Bowl and was disgusted to watch a couple of these interviews. It was amazing to see the amount of conceit that a few of these players possess. Some of these guys cannot say enough good things about “themselves”. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your work and accomplishments, but isn’t it so much nicer to have others spread the word?
We should all carefully consider the example that Jesus Christ gave in Himself in this regard. If ever anyone had a reason to be conceited it would be Him, and yet He was humble and just the opposite of what the world would expect of its King of all Kings. He elected to be born in a manger, work as a carpenter, wash the feet of His disciples, and ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. He was the King of all Kings but He did not insist upon being seated in the best seats, nor did He wear only the finest clothes, or live in the best neighborhoods, or hang out with the elite “in” crowd. He did not brag. He had no servants. He walked everywhere that He went or rode in simple fishing boats; He did not insist upon riding in gilded chariots. In everything He bowed his head in prayer and gave His Father in heaven the glory.
Conceit is a weird disease, it makes everybody sick except the one who’s got it.
James 4:6
…”God resists the proud
But gives grace to the humble.”
Weird disease
Posted in, Humble