I was watching You Tube TV the other night and a moment of Zen appeared on the screen. It was in fact the Northern Lights. They moved around eerily and displayed a greenish yellow color that was just beautiful. The lights were whipping around all over the screen and rose to great heights. Suddenly a red glow appeared at the bottom of the screen and moved eerily along it as if to say There is no God but me.
It was just gorgeous. I really don’t understand how anyone could possibly deny God’s existence upon seeing them, but sadly, they do. My wife and I went to the Arctic Circle to see them a couple of years ago, but alas it was cloudy that night. All we could do is see faint glimmers of them as they snaked across the sky. I had gotten an excellent view of them in Fairbanks several years back. Without question the best view I got was in an airplane flying back at night, The flights all leave around midnight, so it was pitch black dark. The pilot came on the intercom and told us to look out the right window and we saw them moving through the air shimmering as they went. They were quite the sight to see.
I wonder why God created them. I’m sure they have some purpose known only to Him. I know that scientifically they are derived from solar rays that skim the top surface of the earth, but I don’t understand why. Is God just showing His power?
Whatever purpose they serve it is one that deeply effects all who see them. Personally, I believe that they serve a purpose of reminding us that God is still on the throne, and He is surrounded by wonders that never cease. I want to be with God, and I know it is yet just a little longer and I will do so. Jesus’ throne must really be something don’t you think? I can only imagine kneeling in front of it with tears of joy streaming down my face.
Isaiah 45:12
“It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts”.