Big sin – Little sin?













October 5, 2020 – Click here to listen

A friend of mine wrote me the other day and suggested that I should not use words like ‘Jeez’ as he believed that they were disrespectful of Jesus. Hmmm How far should we take this kind of logic. Jiminy Crickets’ could be interpreted as Jesus Christ. Darn/dang as damn; holy smoke as holy spirit; shoot, well you can guess that one as well as the next John Brown, Gosh almighty, and so forth. Can we use Great jumping Jehosophat’ or phooey?

This guy is one of my very good friends and I was not offended in any way but did reply that I felt that we as Christians can get too hung up on rules. It is hard enough to make it in life without having to live a life of near perfection. The Pharisees were berated by Jesus numerous times for putting their impossible religious demands upon the people. Even Jesus, (God), was criticized by the Pharisees for healing people on the Sabbath of all things. They actually used a technicality to lambast God Himself for healing someone. Jeez (Just kidding)

In my life I have seen, and in my younger years participated, in so much evil that it sickens me to think of it; I’m talking serious sin. If saying ‘jeez’ is the biggest sin in my portfolio when I die I will be a happy man. As Christians, we need to be careful not to discourage others with strict interpretations of the Scriptures, (particularly young Christians or worse non-Christians). I believe that it just might discourage them so much that they would just give up. Who can lead a perfect life? I once heard a preacher say that going to a football game was a sin because the Bible states that anything that does not bring honor and glory to God is a sin and since football didn’t meet his criteria it was a sin and so was dancing, going to a movie, and on and on. I suppose he should have just sat in a dark room in a monastery praying. I heard this argument about gambling and the lottery from another preacher. There is nothing in the Bible about gambling per se. Anything can be overdone and I for one do not believe this is God’s plan for us

I will be surprised if Jesus is offended by this. I intend to ask Him about it when I join Him in paradise. He sees the heart and knows whether anyone is taking His holy name in vain or not. Paul talked about some folks thinking it was a sin for Jews to eat meat that had been sacrificed to pagan idols; others did not think it was a sin at all and gorged to their heart’s content on otherwise tasty meat. Paul’s logic was that what goes in your mouth is not as important as what comes out and that was determined by the condition of your heart.

Jesus sympathizes with us and realizes that flesh struggles daily. There is enough serious sin around to give us plenty enough rules without stretching things. Jesus has a message of love and justice and forgiveness and that is what we need to tell those around us that Christianity is all about. Now with all of that said I realize that opinions differ and I want to emphasize that this is just my opinion. If you think saying something like ‘jeez’ is a sin, then do not do it.

Luke 11:42
But woe to you Pharisees!
you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs,
and pass by justice
and the love of God.
These you
ought to have done,
without leaving
the others undone.





