Solitary is golden













So today I have a very important meeting with some folks regarding the life of our ministry. Some of those with whom I’ll be meeting have amassed billions of dollars in their personal fortunes and yet in spite of the tremendous distractions that kind of wealth can bring, (I’m told by people who should know), that God remains their primary focus.

There is a church in Africa, (Ghana), which prays for me and our ministry on a 24 hour basis. Its African pastor, (Daniel), reads Words for the Day daily as do many in his congregation. Daniel believes in prayer and has seen miracles happen in his own village right before his eyes including healing.

I have another friend that ministers to people in South America and routinely sees over 100,000 come forward to receive Christ at altar calls when he preaches. The amazing miracles that occur in this ministry would shock most people in the world into disbelief and most would never dream they would be possible. My evangelist friend goes into seclusion and fasts and prays for three and four days at a time prior to one of his revival meetings asking God for the miracles that He will deliver.

God is alive and well and sits on His throne. He loves us and has a purpose for our lives. He asks that we love him in return. Do you wonder why Daniel’s congregation and my evangelist friend enjoy having the privilege of seeing God perform miracles in their lives and the lives of those to whom they minister? I believe it’s because of their deep faith and because they pray with gusto.

I’ve often thought that folks in primitive remote areas have an advantage in that they are free from some of the distractions that modern societies have such as televisions, technology gadgets, cars, and mega busy lifestyles. The many distractions in their busy lives make focusing on God far more difficult than a simple lifestyle.

That is not to say that it can’t be done; it is to say that one must exert plenty of effort to make God the highest priority in our lives. Imagine you being a billionaire for a moment. Boats, private jets, entourages of the beautiful people, glitter and gold, investment analysts, and throngs of people beating a path to your door daily wanting something from you; don’t you know that has to be a major distraction from your walk with the Lord?

When does someone in this situation get quiet time with the Lord? Their handlers schedule every free moment to the hilt.

My friend Daniel doesn’t have that problem and can focus his efforts on doing the Lord’s work. He finds his quiet time on the plains of Africa and those primitive folks that live in the tropical rain forests and mountains of South America have many opportunities to seek the Lord free from the modern distractions and hustle and bustle of our society.

Jesus often went to a quiet place to pray. Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Hmmm . . . I’m stuck in a hotel in South Florida awaiting our departure time to go to an airport and hop on a private G-4 jet to fly to Houston with these guys to the Vince Lombardi Awards tonight. It is my hope and prayer that during our time together they will take an interest in what we are doing for the Lord at Honey Lake and want to become a part of it. I’ve never met them, and with the exception of one man, they’ve never met me.

What will I say? How can I convince them to join forces with me to get the Gospel out to every nation on earth?

Satan is whispering, “You aren’t in these guys’ league, just sit there and keep your mouth shut and enjoy the trip, the glitz, the bright lights, and being around the rich, famous, and beautiful people”.

Yep, that’s exactly what that slimy snake would like.

I remember what Jesus said when he was tempted in the desert by that beast. “Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY. Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.'” . . .

I have faith God will direct me and things will work out. If I was at Honey Lake right now I’d drive my old pick up into the forest and walk to a deer stand and sit in the darkness and pray for strength and in finding the right words to make an eloquent case as I watched the sun come up and the forest come to life.

Too many bright lights here in Ft. Lauderdale to do that, but I did get on my knees beside my bed and ask God to strengthen me and guide me through this meeting. I’d ask you to do the same and pray that God’s will be done about raising the huge amount of money that will be needed to build an effective WORLDWIDE ministry that will plant the seeds of hope to a humanity that is largely devoid of it . . .

Luke 5:16

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

December 11, 2013 – Click here to listen





